Shiny r studio
Shiny r studio

shiny r studio

The installation seems quite easy as it is just expecting node.js (with npm), R and the shiny package for R. The given examples show on one hand the power of shiny: eays GUI for an unexperienced user with sliders, buttons and so on, stong power due to the R computation engine in the background. Shiny a nice analytical webapp ( source ) As i was preparing myself for getting funding for the trip to the R user conference this year in Albacete, Spain I was coming across a highlightning talk by Josh Paulson about an interactive way of using the power of R without real struggling with R as a programming language: Shiny is a cool webapp which lets the user control the application via some drop-down menus and buttons and R computes the result in the background and displays them as well on the webpage:

Shiny r studio